All marketing teams face the issue of doing more with less, but nonprofits face it the most.


Teams tend to be small and funds are limited. Is your business facing similar constraints about limited funding and small team size?

Although a non-profit, our marketing strategy can generate enough traffic, funds, and recognition for your organization. We’ve created this nonprofit branding guideline to prioritize your marketing success.


Through retargeting, Olumii will encourage visitors to revisit your website and engage with your business on more occasions than before. This strategy increases the likelihood that visitors who left your website without making a purchase will return.
We will also use Facebook Exchange, a tailored ad service that accesses preferences via third-party demand-side providers like Adroll. This will enable retargeting for your non-profit organization. We will reach Facebook users who have already expressed interest in your business with Adroll. The user will learn more about your nonprofit organization and cause from their feed and advertisements.

Optimization of Video Campaigns

Being able to create effective video campaigns will make a major difference in the world now that video dominates the digital world.
Videos will be used by our team in targeted marketing campaigns in addition to being regular posts on your landing page or vlogs. Including video in your emails will increase conversion rates on landing pages by doubling or tripling click-through rates. The email engagement rate will also increase by just using the word "video" in the header.
Olumii will make sure that the messages in this video campaign are straightforward with a bit of humor.



It is a must to have a website for your nonprofit. This is self-evident in the era of digital technology. To expand the organization's internet presence and influence, Olumii will add backlinks to your website. All of your pages will have social sharing buttons on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more.
We will design a page that will help other websites and businesses. By collecting links from other websites, the Olumii team will raise the authority of your website as a trustworthy resource for information.

Raise More Funds

At Olumii, we understand that every nonprofit organization aims to expand their business and provide services to more people. But without a constant flow of donations, no nonprofit can manage this. By building a strong online footprint for your brand, Olumii will make this goal achievable.
We will raise money for your nonprofit through internet donations. Our team will focus on the best two ways people donate which are online and offline. We'll set up a system that works to take donations online. They will be available to visitors to your website.
Regularly, we'll make donation requests through social media and emails. If you represent a non-profit group, we would be more than happy to offer our assistance. Please don't hesitate to contact us to initiate a conversation.


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      A Renowned creative powerhouse.

      We are an exceptional creative agency known for delivering remarkable projects to clients worldwide. Consult us for anything related to digital, branding and contents.

      Toronto, Ontario, Canada.