Are you trying to grow your hotel business? If this is the case, a strong digital marketing strategy is important.

Hotel marketing

What are the most successful digital marketing strategies for reaching a wider audience?

Olumii has expertise in online marketing for luxury hotels and helps them secure consistent bookings. We will reveal hotel marketing strategies to help you win over travelers and expand your customer base.

Creating an email list

Our team will make growing your email audience effortless by simply inviting guests to join your email list while they book their stay. We'll add a sign-up form to your website and provide attractive incentives like early check-ins, city guides, or hotel coupon giveaways.
To ensure your emails have the most impact, the Olumii team will segment your lists as new subscribers join. We could create location-specific segments or include only past guests, for instance. By doing so, we will personalize your messages and better engage with each segment of your audience.

Growing positive feedback

Word-of-mouth is now stronger than ever in the digital age, particularly for trip planning and accommodation bookings. Positive reviews have the potential to increase bookings and boost profits. A higher review rating is more likely to attract bookings from the majority of travelers.
Increased occupancy and revenue per available room can also be a result of a higher rating. To encourage great reviews, it's important to provide excellent service that guests will rave about. After their stay, invite departing guests to fill in a feedback form. If they write a positive review, encourage them to share it online and direct them to the platforms where you need more positive feedback. Your hotel's revenue will rise by using this strategy.


Listing Your Hotel to the Top OTAs

A direct booking website is essential, but listing your hotel on major Online Travelling Agencies will increase your exposure. Listing your hotel on OTAs provides access to a large monthly visitor base, making it a valuable marketing tool.
Although a direct booking website is required, listing your hotel with big online travel agencies will increase your exposure. Our team can tap into the large monthly visitor base by listing your hotel on OTAs. This makes it a valuable marketing instrument that should not be overlooked.
Olumii will create listings on popular OTAs such as Expedia,, and to help you access a global audience. Because each OTA's market coverage varies, our team is aware of their popularity in specific areas.


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